Thursday, June 16, 2011


So, I'm gonna study almost all summer, cause my computer academy gives us holidays in summer only for 2 weeks in August. But this thing doesn't distress me, i'm ready to work hard :D Of course, i'll have little time for the beach and other fun things. Ah, I forgot only one thing. Beaches in Odessa are nice only in May and September, cause every summer many tourists from whole ex-USSR come here, and it's very hard to find comfortable place on the beach where all of them here, especially on Saturdays and Sundays, when local aborigines have a day off work and want to lie on the sun too :)
I'm not swot, but i like studying in my academy, cause i like all that have sense and reason, and this academy does, as for me, all the more we've got a new teacher now, and in my opinion, the best teacher i've ever seen. :). It's difficult to say the same about my last university that I left because of horrible old training program, lame-brained lecturers and more lame-brained students of the same year :D :D I'm happy that I desided to leave it, and saved several years of my life instead of wasting time there only for diploma.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel, I am from Michigan USA the beaches here are ruined all summer by tourists too.
