Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I caught a cold and I've no idea how it happened. Actually, I don't like at all this state when you cannot smell a thing.So I stay at home and try to get some rest :D
Today I found on my hd some spring photos of my country house from last year, and there are photos of our apricot tree that fell this summer when was a storm. Now that place looks a bit "empty". That tree was about 100 years or even more. My great-great-grandfather planted it.


  1. Wow, those are beautiful. Amazing trees. Sorry you're sick. I always use that hidden power of not being able to smell (which made me not be able to taste as well) to eat weird things, or things that I don't think taste good. Use this power wisely.

  2. Haha, great idea. But there's a strange thing - every time when I cath a cold, we've got something yummy to eat :D

  3. that tree looks beautiful! too bad it's gone :(

  4. Great pics :) I have a cold right now :/
